- Large tail has higher drag, it is better for slower wings.
- Camera is NOT included.
- For GoPro 9-13 and Max take large tail, standard one only for fast PPG or speed wings.
- Universal GoPro model has integrated GoPro slide rail.
- We include adhesive GoPro plate with Universal flat model.
Physical parameters:
Package contains:
- Universal flat platform version - Adhesive camera mount for UNI version is IS included
- Universal GoPro model has integrated GoPro mount
How to choose correct Chase XC model? Learn here
Despite, Chase XC is ready to fly right out of package, there are several points to note for the best possible performance:
Guide for changing the head.
Please read user manual or contact us for more details.
Q1 - Lost rubber end cap for 2.5mm thick (1€ coin) carbon rod?
A1 - Get spare PT-4.35-1 rubber end T-shaped caps for 2.5mm thick carbon rods here - PT-4.35-1
Q2 - Lost rubber end cap for 2.0mm thick (10¢ coin) carbon rod?
A2 - Get spare PT-3.7-1 rubber end T-shaped caps for 2.0mm thick carbon rods here - PT-3.7-1
Q3 - And the magnetic fuse ? is it safe to use it or will the camera fall from it?
A3 - Magnet opens at ~2.5kg force. Chase XC produces drag ~0.2kg @ 40kph and 2kg @ 200kph speed. So it won't open if chasecam flies freely. If it stuck, magnet will open, as it is always better to loose camera than your life :)
This video shows couple tip and hints how to use Chase XC follow cam.
Customer didn't write any details
Chase Cam Perfection
My first time ever using a chase cam and the SkyBeam was so easy to setup and worked perfectly on my first flight. I couldn’t be happier with the purchase and video results!
Chase XC for GoPro mini
My 3rd Chase cam, the first was sold when I sold the GP7. Currently have 2 versions and using with GP12 and GP mini, both working very nicely. Great quality, super service.
Chase xc
Super! Top
Awesome and compact followcam
Realy like the design as it folds down . <br />