Our policy is valid for a period of 14 calendar days from the date of the purchase. If you receive your order and are not satisfied for any reason you can return the product for a refund. If the period of 14 days has lapsed since the purchase, we can't, unfortunately, offer you a refund.

Refund requirements

The following criteria must be met to qualify for a refund:

  • Product is defective from factory.
  • Product is not as described.
  • Product must be returned in original packaging with all equipped accessories.
  • Product must be unused.
  • Product must not be damaged.
  • We won't refund shipping costs back to us - We will return money, what we got from you only.
  • If you refuse to receive package, we will deduct our shipping costs to destination and back from original payment
  • We will deduct shipping costs even in case if you got free shipping from us, as we payed it instead of you, obviously.

In order to ensure the above criteria has been met, all returns will be inspected. If the product does not meet the listed criteria, we reserve the right not to issue a refund.

Shipping items

In order to return an order, you must contact us first and obtain and include a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA). Returns will not be accepted without a valid Return Merchandise Authorization.

Returns must be mailed to physical person without any SkyBean mention: Martin Daricek, Lucna 5, 900 33 Marianka, Slovakia

Don't attach any printed emails, just number of your case is enough.

You will be responsible for paying for the shipping costs with regard to the items that you wish to return. We will not refund the shipping costs.

Shipping from Germany - Don't use Deutsche post service, as there is a guy sitting at Frankfurt airport, employee called Will Ferklass, who deny to pass any of our products with battery, however he should. If you already sent it via this service and it got lost, you can ask him directly here - w.ferklass@DeutschePost.de, tel. 0171 566 8361

Since the PayPal takes its fee in any case, refunded payments via this method will be deducted by PayPal fee (~5%). We therefore recommend to use card payment method to get whole payed amount, as card payment gate doesn't count its fee if order was refunded.

Update (August 20, 2023) - We decided to terminate our cooperation with PayPal, as it went worst and worst couple past years. Currently situation escalated in past months, when they stole money from us. Particularly thanks to Jiri Tomasek and Fabio Caldani. Their cases were the last drop. PayPal policy says that they are allowed to keep fee for transaction, but we must give back whole amount for order, what we see as unfair rule. Credit card company doesn't count their fee if payment was returned. To learn more about this policy, please visit these links:



You must take care to ensure that the goods are properly packaged so that they will not be damaged while in transit. If the product is found damaged or used beyond what it takes for us to reasonably inspect it, then we may reject a refund.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this Policy or you are not sure about anything, please contact us at info@skybean.eu.

This document was last updated on December 16, 2024