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If you don't need FANET/FLARM -> Strato Lite

  • Blue
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Pink
In Stock

Here is list of functions:

  • vario - speaker sound, average vario, barometric altimeter
  • GPS - IGC tracklogs, ground speed, heading, glide ratio, GPS altimeter, altitude above ground
  • Europe and destination country terrain data preloaded
  • Bluetooth telemetry - connection to XC apps (XCtrack and FlySkyHy)
  • thermal assistants - thermal trace (XCtrack slyle) or circle style (as SkyDrop)
  • wind - speed and direction calculated from circling
  • FLARM & FANET radar - nearby pilots data telemetry to XCTrack app
  • color map - terrain, roads, villages, cables
  • airspaces - shown in map, not pop-up warning
  • smart Bluetooth sound - Strato can be your Bluetooth speaker for music in the air or on ground - sound can fade between different volumes while thermaling or gliding.
  • Interactive context help - no need to study user manual anymore
  • other - battery level, G-meter, odometer, actual time, flight time, direction and distance to takeoff place, altitude graph


Other cool WiFi functions, what has Strato as the first vario ever. Works on PC as well as mobile phone. Via hotspot or local WiFi network.

  • over-the-air updates, automatic new update check - don't need cable for data transfer anymore
  • WiFi IGC download - you can download IGC files directly to your phone just after landing
  • GNSS simulator - you can select on map where you would like to see Strato flying map or airspaces
  • vario sound editor - you can set your preferred vario sound and listen it directly from Strato in real time






So many new cool features and ideas, which we are no longer able to fit into our little cute SkyDrop, have challenged us to go for something new and advanced. We put the brains and skills together and voilá - here it is - Strato.


For the size of an average middle class vario equipped with high-end functions! Strato has a sunlight readable 3” transflective color display. It weighs just 180 grams with a solid battery life of 12 hours. Strato fits your cockpit in a vertical position, so it leaves a lot of space for radio, phone or other gadgets.


Do you remember that strange feeling when you accidentally got sucked into cloud on your favourite XC highway during the “hammertag”? FLARM transmitter will notify glider pilots, keeping you from being smashed like a bug on the windshield, while the FANET transceiver will keep you aware about other paragliding pilots in proximity. Strato will also show you possible airspace violation and collision with power or lift lines.


Strato is equipped with the high quality sensors from market leading Swiss manufacturers. High performance GNSS receiver from u-blox supporting GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou. Best in class barometer from MEAS Switzerland, with motion sensors provide instant vario response.


Annoyed by that typical tamagotchi beeping? Soft and precise vario tones from high quality speaker will help you effectively to climb to the cloudbase. Then enjoy your favourite music played from phone through bluetooth, during the glide. If you find unprotected speaker weak solution, watch this video ;)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T20MyZYOG0


Connect to your favorite XC app via Bluetooth. Strato is connected via Wi-Fi to your phone or home network for automatic tracklogs upload.
energy management

Energy Management

Strato has two USB-C ports, so in the air, energy can flow from the power bank through Strato to the phone. Quick Charge technology is able to provide huge amounts of energy for faster charging, an hour while driving to takeoff is enough.
user interface

User Interface

Strato customizability will surpass his smaller brother SkyDrop. You are able to use different profiles for XC, PPG or local soaring and change almost anything to your personal preferences. Choose from a large amount of widgets and place it across multiple pages.
after party

After Flight Hangout

Use strato as a music player or bluetooth speaker. Integrated torch light will help you find your way back to your tent. As a bonus Strato can also work as a powerbank for your smartphone.

Physical parameters:

  • weight 180 g
  • dimensions 138 x 58 x 24 mm
  • battery 5000 mAh,  20 h fly time
  • memory 64 Gb


  • vario - analog/digital/average, acoustic signalization, graph history
  • instant vario response
  • flight logs - IGC accepted for FAI Category 1 competitions, CSV
  • GNSS(GPS, GloNass, Galileo) - ground speed, altitude, heading, glide ratio
  • altimeters - 2 adjustable altimeters
  • auto take off and landing detection
  • wind speed and direction
  • FANET and FLARM beacon
  • detailed color map
  • airspace violation audio warning with graphical representation
  • bluetooth audio transmission through integrated high quality speaker
  • flightbook with statistics
  • android connectivity - XCTrack, FlyMe, XCSoar, LK8000, TopHat, Sky Land Tracker, Paragliding Dashboard
  • iOS connectivity - FlySkyHy, SkyLogger, SkyLogger XXL
  • fully customizable - multiple screens with configurable layouts and widgets
  • height above ground level (AGL)
  • thermal assistant
  • Digital compass
  • G-meter
  • Odometer
  • bearing and distance from take-off
  • real time clock

Hardware spec:

  • Measurement Specialties - MS5803 barometer
  • u-blox - NEO-M8Q GNSS receiver
  • ST - LSM9DS1 IMU
  • Espressif - ES1ESP32 WiFi/Bluetooth module and audio coprocessor
  • ST - STM32H7A MCU
  • ask for more if you are interested :)

Package contains:

  • Strato variometer with bullet proof glass on LCD
  • velcro adhesive hooks&loops
  • protective pocket
  • USB-C to USB-A and USB-C to USB-C cable
  • 18W dual port wall charger
  • quick user guide
  • sticker

All the necessary tools and materials for strato can be found here in

 Strato repository

Many pilots from pre-order campaign are/were disappointed due to slow software progress. Now we can proudly say that after facing many difficulties, the latest D302 software is stable.

The true is that we underestimated so complex project (6cpu cores, sound coprocessor etc.) and its huge load for R&D, so we were too hurry with Strato release to public. Here we can explain more deeply why Strato had slow software progress.

We faced challenges due to problems in our storage system, which also affected the overall stability of the system. The major issue was faulty FAT file system (formerly used by computers). To solve this, we have decided to change the storage system from FAT to RED.

  • To learn more about why the device isn't working well in real-life situations, we added a way to track problems and gather information about how the device is working.
  • We found that classic FAT file system was not able to identify and fix random errors, time to time generated on SD card. Due to this random and non-trackable errors Strato's software might crash in random situations.
  • Migration to another file system was huge, but for user not visible change, therefore it seemed nothing is happening for long long time.
  • After implementation and testing this huge change, we also needed to create remote procedure acceptable for mid skilled user.

We can say that progress is fast, now preparing functions:

  • Side view of the airspace and topography
  • downloads maps and ground-level information automatically via WiFi
  • Shortcuts - quick access to different functions from pages
  • Way to download airspace information directly from the device 


Context live manual:

There is new help system accessible directly in device, so you don't need to study and learn user manual anymore. Help and explaining notes are right there and always available. All you need from manual is to learn how to access page and settings menu (the same principle as SkyDrop). When inside menu, press and hold option button in the right bottom of keypad and detailed description of the current menu entry will pop-up.


If you haven't found your topic here - there is also Strato FAQ page here

Rated 4.50 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 8 customer reviews

good HW, alpha stage FW

Very solid innovative HW. I got it because of the big speaker and color display. Hassle free playing music, using as a power bank and simultaneously using as a vario with very nice sounds. At the time of writing this review, many functions are still incomplete in the FW. The stuff that's implemented works quite well, also it's open source. At this stage it's good for novice pilots, tech enthusiast and those guys playing music at the takeoff. Firmware update process is simple: drag and drop a file. This will be a next level vario so I'm glad I can be a part of the process. Don't expect polished and complete software at this time.

Verified purchase

Firmware 261

konnte ich nur am Rechner direkt aufspielen, OTA hat es weiterhin nichts funktioniert. Jetzt nach Wechsel der Fritz!box funktioniert auch die OTA-Firmware-Abfrage-Juhu!.<br /> Als BT-Lautsprecher ist das Strato noch nicht verwendbar da die Lautstärke am iPhone anscheinend maximal und nicht regelbar ist. <br /> Mit FlySkyHy lässt sich das Gerät als "Anderes Bluetooth-Vario" verbinden, ob es so zuverlässig funktioniert konnte ich noch nicht prüfen. <br /> Das manuelle Aufspielen der Karten ist machbar, sollte das FW-Update OTA mal funktionieren sollte das vielleicht ebenfalls über das WLAN realisierbar sein.<br /> <br /> <br /> Wichtig: Das WLAN-Passwort ist auf dem Gerät im Klartext gespeichert, also vielleicht wenn vorhanden über das Gast-WLAN verbinden.

Fein, aber die Firmware...

Die Größe ist m.E. völlig ausreichend. Der Tastendruck ist gut. Der Sound ist gut. Das Gerät liegt gut in der Hand. Eine Taschenlampe kann genutzt werden. Die Powerbankfunktion klappt gut. Leider gibt es nur ein sehr minimalistisches Handbuch und die Firmware ist noch wenig ausgereift. Eine Karte, wie auf den Fotos, kann man noch nicht anzeigen lassen. Ich bin gespannt, wie und wann es mit den Updates weitergeht. Der Vorgang eines Updates erscheint mir auch noch ziemlich tricky. Aktuell brauche ich das Vario noch nicht, mein Handy nebst kleinem Skybean reicht, solange kein Update am Start ist.<br /> Puh, jetzt hab ich relativ viel gemosert. Insgesamt macht das Strato einen sehr wertigen Eindruck und ich freue mich, wenn es voran geht!!!

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